Pet Dreams Are Different Than Animal Dreams |

Though pets are animals, there is a difference between the meaning of an unfamiliar animal and that of our pet in our dreams. While cats and dogs, in general -or a specific breed in particular- will represent certain characteristics to us, those of our cats and dogs are very specific. We’re well acquainted with our pets’ personalities, quirks, and behaviors. These characteristics and particulars are used by our subconscious mind when choosing the perfect imagery/symbol to represent a specific idea or concept in our dreams.An unfamiliar domestic animal usually doesn’t have any personality to speak of associated with it in our dream, and rarely does it have any detailed physical traits other than being very large or small; red, black, white, etc.; or having too many or too few limbs (that sort of thing). It’s their general overall attributes such as loyalty, aggression, cunning, stealth, or their actions/behaviours that are of consequence in the dream. However, our own pets in dreams are usually more detailed and personal symbols.We had a family dog, Coty, for a little over fifteen years. He was obedient, loyal, protective, yet playful, funny and gentle. Near the end of his life, his health, his eyesight and his coordination was failing, but we loved him so much we selfishly couldn’t bring ourselves to end his suffering. I still feel guilty for my part in continuing his pain. When he appears in my dreams, it’s usually to draw my attention to an issue or situation that is making me feel guilty or bad, or wherein I am acting selfishly. However, on rare occasions, his appearance in a dream represents safety and protection or unconditional love.As with any dream symbol, the context and additional imagery will determine the specific meaning in the dream.Dogs other than Coty (our Husky), refer to entirely different concepts or issues. I used to dream about a black dog, which was always aggressive, pursued me, and always terrified me. This black dog had no personality, other than fear and aggression. Its presence, size and the emotional response is the reason for its appearance in the dream.Most dream analysts suggest that any animal, whether it’s a pet, a domestic animal or a wild animal, represents our emotions or our true nature. In the case of the black dog, the dream may have been suggesting that I was afraid of my own aggressive nature or emotions. This has some merit in that at the time of the dreams I was having difficulties in my marriage and was more often than not angry with my husband.Our dog, Coty, was a family pet. However, our cat (s), Smokey and Sheera, were considered by all of us, including them, to be my pets. Smokey was especially close to me. He slept with me, followed me everywhere, insisted on being picked up and carried around, and protected me. Smokey was a large, tough tom cat. He was very territorial in every way. He protected me, his home and his personal space. So when he would make an appearance in a dream, it usually meant that there was a territorial or protection issue being addressed.I rarely dreamt (or dream) of unknown cats, and when I did (or do) they are only mentioned briefly. I dream more often of unfamiliar dogs than I do unknown cats. This may be because I’ve always had cats, and since Coty passed away, I haven’t adopted another dog.When your pet appears in a dream, ask yourself what characteristic, personality trait or behaviour of the pet’s do you recognize in the dream. Is your dog a watch dog? Perhaps your animal spirit guide is trying to give you a warning. Is your dog a lazy, cuddly homebody? Maybe the issue of exercise or rest is the issue at hand. If you have a very finicky cat, and if the context and other symbols support this, maybe you need to address your diet, or your finickiness in other matters.Any animal in our dreams has a lot to offer, but our pets offer us a way to look at the issues, situations or problems from a different perspective.